Straightforward - Intermediate - Student's Book + eBook - Philip Kerr, Ceri Jones - obrázek 1

Straightforward - Intermediate - Student's Book + eBook - Philip Kerr, Ceri Jones

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    706 Kč
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    Kde koupit Straightforward - Intermediate - Student's Book + eBook - Philip Kerr, Ceri Jones

    706 Kč
    Doprava od 49 Kč

    Specifikace a popis

    Straightforward has been revamped in a second edition, with much of the content updated and made more relevant to our ever-changing world. New topics, articles and exercises appear within a fresh new design. All the old teachers' favourites are still there - meaning it will still be a joy to teach with. Each unit is structured to provide one lesson per double-page spread (A/B/C/D), lasting around 90 minutes. All lessons are interlinked to promote better and more memorable learning, with the flexibility to pick out key sections to focus on certain language points. All language is clearly sig Straightforward - Intermediate - Student's Book + eBook - Philip Kerr, Ceri Jones od authora Philip Kerr, Ceri Jones a nakladatelství za skvělé ceny na e-shopu

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