Straightforward - Elementary - Workbook with answer Key - Adrian Tennant - obrázek 1

Straightforward - Elementary - Workbook with answer Key - Adrian Tennant

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    403 Kč
    Porovnání cen

    Kde koupit Straightforward - Elementary - Workbook with answer Key - Adrian Tennant

    403 Kč
    Doprava od 49 Kč

    Specifikace a popis

    The Workbook provides extra language and vocabulary practice that supports the units of the Student's Book making it ideal for homework. This version comes with the key. All Workbook and some Student's Book texts are read aloud on the accompanying CD - this will provide students with further listening and pronunciation practice. Straightforward - Elementary - Workbook with answer Key - Adrian Tennant od authora Adrian Tennant a nakladatelství za skvělé ceny na e-shopu

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