Star Wars: Galactic Atlas - - obrázek 1

Star Wars: Galactic Atlas -

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    786 Kč
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    Kde koupit Star Wars: Galactic Atlas -

    786 Kč
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    Specifikace a popis

    Explore a galaxy far, far away in this stunning guide to the worlds of Star Wars. Includes a spread introducing Star Wars fans to the planet and characters featured in Rogue One! The Galactic Atlas, illustrated by Tim McDonagh in superb full colour, covers everything from Alderaan and Naboo to Tatooine and Yavin 4, taking in the epic stories, strange creatures and glorious vistas of the entire saga. Taken from the holdings of the Graf Archive and found in the underground Shadow Stacks, these ancient hand drawn maps were unearthed from the Shadow Stacks. The Head Curator's theory Star Wars: Galactic Atlas - Egmont Books od authora a nakladatelství za skvělé ceny na e-shopu

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