Roanoke Girls - Amy Engelová - obrázek 1

Roanoke Girls - Amy Engelová

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    302 Kč
    Porovnání cen

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    302 Kč
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    Specifikace a popis

    Everyone wants to be a Roanoke Girl, but you won't when you know the truth. The girls of the Roanoke family - beautiful, rich, mysterious - seem to have it all. But there's a dark truth about them that's never spoken. Either the girls run away... or they die. Lane is one of the lucky ones. When she was fifteen, over one long, hot summer at her grandparents' estate in rural Kansas, she found out what it really means to be a Roanoke girl. Lane ran, far and fast. Until eleven years later, when her cousin Allegra goes missing - and Lane has no choice but to go back. She is a Roano The Roanoke Girls - Amy Engel od authora Amy Engel a nakladatelství za skvělé ceny na e-shopu

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