Living on the Volcano - obrázek 1

Living on the Volcano

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    365 Kč
    Porovnání cen

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    365 Kč
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    A man punches the wall in a strategic show of anger. Another complains he has become a stranger to those he loves. A third relies on “my three a day: coffee, Nurofen and a bottle of wine.” Yet another admits he is an oddity, who would prefer to be working in cricket. A fifth describes his professional life as “a circus”. These are football managers, live and uncut. Arsene Wenger likens the job to “living on a volcano: any day may be your last”. He speaks with the authority of being the longest serving manager in the English game, having been at Arsenal for 17 years. The average lifespan Living on the Volcano - Michael Calvin od authora Michael Calvin a nakladatelství za skvělé ceny na e-shopu

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