Lies Like Wildfire - Jennifer Lynn Alvarez - obrázek 1

Lies Like Wildfire - Jennifer Lynn Alvarez

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    259 Kč
    Porovnání cen

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    259 Kč
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    The monsters have known each other their whole lives. This is their final summer before college - time to hang out, fall in love, and dream about the future. Until they accidentally start a forest fire that destroys their hometown and leaves death in its wake. Desperate for the truth to remain hidden, the group make a pact of silence. But the twisted secret begins to spin out of control and when one of the friends disappears they all become suspects. We know how it starts but where does it end? Secrets and lies are everywhere in this compulsive page-turner, perfect for fans of One of Us Lies Like Wildfire - Jennifer Lynn Alvarez od authora Jennifer Lynn Alvarez a nakladatelství za skvělé ceny na e-shopu

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