Huntingtower - John Buchan - obrázek 1

Huntingtower - John Buchan

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    364 Kč
    Porovnání cen

    Kde koupit Huntingtower - John Buchan

    364 Kč
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    Specifikace a popis

    Large print edition, with easy-to-read text, of Buchan's classic work. This modern fairy-tale is also the gripping adventure story about Dickson McCunn, a respectable, newly retired grocer who finds himself in the thick of a plot involving the kidnapping of a Russian princess held prisoner in the rambling mansion, Huntingtower. Here, Buchan introduces some of his best-loved characters and paints a remarkable picture of a man rejuvenated by joining much younger comrades in a fight against tyranny and fear. Huntingtower - John Buchan od authora John Buchan a nakladatelství za skvělé ceny na e-shopu

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