Elements of Success 1: Student Book A with Online Practice - Anne Ediger - obrázek 1

Elements of Success 1: Student Book A with Online Practice - Anne Ediger

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    612 Kč
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    Kde koupit Elements of Success 1: Student Book A with Online Practice - Anne Ediger

    612 Kč
    Doprava od 49 Kč

    Specifikace a popis

    A refreshing new grammar course that presents grammar clearly, simply, and completely. It's a series that helps your students learn grammar and remember it. With Online Practice Plus for students. Elements of Success is a new grammar course which helps students learn the real-world grammar they need to read, communicate, and write effectively. Grammar is clearly presented with highly visual charts and explanations, and extensive four-skills practice helps students apply and remember what they learn. Online Practice Plus takes learning beyond the classroom, with all new practice activi Elements of Success 1: Student Book A with Online Practice - Anne Ediger od authora Anne Ediger a nakladatelství za skvělé ceny na e-shopu Martinus.cz

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