Challenges 4: Class CD - Michael Harris - obrázek 1

Challenges 4: Class CD - Michael Harris

Napsat recenzi
    od 320 Kč do 705 Kč
    Porovnání cen 2

    Kde koupit Challenges 4: Class CD - Michael Harris

    320 Kč
    Doprava od 48 Kč
    705 Kč
    Doprava od 49 Kč

    Specifikace a popis

    Teenagers want to be challenged and motivated. This puts a lot of pressure on you. Challenges will take that pressure off your shoulders by helping you meet the needs of demanding teenagers. You can do it! Your students will... * get a clear sense of progress through materials that can be completed in one year * get really involved in their learning with the wealth of information and interesting topics * get a deeper understanding of language through the unique activities on word building and sentence patterns * regardless of their activity, be motivated and kept on trac Challenges 4: Class CD - Michael Harris od authora Michael Harris a nakladatelství za skvělé ceny na e-shopu

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