Blitzed - Norman Ohler - obrázek 1

Blitzed - Norman Ohler

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    330 Kč
    Porovnání cen

    Kde koupit Blitzed - Norman Ohler

    330 Kč
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    Specifikace a popis

    The Nazis presented themselves as warriors against moral degeneracy. Yet, as Norman Ohler's gripping bestseller reveals, the entire Third Reich was permeated with drugs: cocaine, heroin, morphine and, most of all, methamphetamines, or crystal meth, used by everyone from factory workers to housewives, and crucial to troops' resilience - even partly explaining German victory in 1940. The promiscuous use of drugs at the very highest levels also impaired and confused decision-making, with Hitler and his entourage taking refuge in potentially lethal cocktails of stimulants administered by the physi Blitzed - Norman Ohler od authora Norman Ohler a nakladatelství za skvělé ceny na e-shopu

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